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Year Round - Box Tops

We are excited to announce we will be beginning the Box Tops program. Box Tops are small logos that can be found on the packaging of many common, everyday products such as Ziploc bags and cereal boxes. They are absolutely free to obtain and can be redeemed as a fundraiser for schools and charities.


Here’s how you can get involved!  After collecting one or more Box Tops, your child should submit the Box Top(s) in his or her class. Please make sure that the expiration date is at least six months from the time of submission. A class sheet will be posted onto the wall, and the student should tape this or her Box Top(s) onto one of the empty spaces. He or she would then write his or her name and the number of Box Tops contributed on a separate sheet next to the Box Tops sheet. When an entire sheet is completely filled, the contributors will be given a lollipop as a reward. At the end of the year, the class that submits the most Box Tops will receive a movie party with treats, hosted by MASG. Images of a Box Tops sheet and a sheet of contributors will be linked down below.


Once again, thank you for all of your support, and we are very excited to be beginning the Box Tops program!

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